Upcoming Events
- March 28 Awards Assembly 8:30 AM
- March 31 Community Council 3:00 PM
- April 1 Ballet West Assembly
- April 8 STEM on Stage Assembly
- April 18-21 Spring Recess (No School)
- May 14 Track Day
- May 21 Minimum School Day
- May 22 Last Day of School
School Calendar
Orange: School Events
Blue: District Events
School Announcements
One School One Book
We are still working on our book, Charlotte’s Web. If you haven’t been reading along, start now and catch up! You can find chapter videos on our school YouTube page. Links are emailed out daily.
The Utah Food Bank will be here one day every month. See calendar above for upcoming dates. Distribution starts at 2:40 PM.
Order your 2024-2025 year books now! Prices are $18 if you order before December 31, 2024, and $20 after January 1, 2025. You can order them in the office, or go to the website.
Click here to purchase a yearbook online.
Use code WaterCanyonESYB25
Early Out Friday
Reminder!! Friday Early Out is at 12:15
wildcat shout-outs
Wildcat WOW!
At Water Canyon Elementary, we are committed to all of our students learning at high levels. In order to be successful, we need students here!
Our 2024-2025 attendance goal is 90%, which was our goal for the 2023-2024 school year. Our February attendance was 89%, which is below our goal of 90%, but still close. Let’s work hard in the coming months to get our attendance back up above 90%! Thank you for continuing to make school attendance a priority!
Click here for Weekly Attendance Percentages
Popcorn party winners!
Our February monthly attendance winners are Mrs. Furse’s 1st grade class with 91% attendance and Mrs. Schimbeck’s 2nd grade class with 93% attendance! Congratulations, students!
We’re kind of social…follow us!
1st – 6th Grade
Monday – Thursday
8:10 a.m. – 2:40 p.m.Regular School Day
AM Kindergarten
Monday – Thursday
8:10 a.m. – 11:10 a.m.Regular School Day
PM Kindergarten
Monday – Thursday
11:55 p.m. – 2:40 p.m.Regular School Day
Friday (All)
1st – 6th — 8:10 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Kinder AM — 8:10 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Kinder PM — 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.Friday Early Out
M and W Session 1
(3 year olds, room A)
8:10 am to 10:55 am
T and Th Session 2
(3 year olds, room A)
8:10 am to 10:55 am
M-Th Session 1
(4 year olds, OEK room)
8:10 am to 10:55 pm
M-Th Session 2
(4 year olds, room A)
11:55 am to 2:40 pmFriday Early Out
Helpful Links
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We are constantly working to improve accessibility on our site.